Re: [chrony-users] Measuring clock offset results

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On Wed, 19 Jul 2023, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:

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On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 09:52:11AM -0700, Thangalin wrote:

Are there any other ways we could help chronyd stay below 20 microseconds
(e.g., optimized build) that may have been overlooked (besides using GPIO)?

If you zoom on those spikes and see that they are just single
samples, it's probably not an error of the clock, but rather a
measurement error (e.g. due to interrupt delays). You should implement
some filtering in your program, e.g. use the median value from a
number of consecutive samples (e.g. 5). That's what both ntpd and
chronyd are doing with the data they get.

Also you could eliminate one or 2 data points which are way off (say 2
standard deviations or two deviations ( Sum_i (|t_i-t_median|)/N) from the
median. Such events Mills calls popcorn events-- they are not gaussian
distributed  and are probably caused by single transient events (eg like
interrupt delays, or path delays (eg the routing algorithm suddenly sends a
packet from NY to Washington via Beijing for some unknown reason)).
So getting rid of such popcorn events can improve the signals a lot.

Miroslav Lichvar

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