Re: [chrony-users] Accurately measuring clock drift

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On Tue, Jun 20, 2023, at 15:35, Thangalin wrote:
What we're trying to do is find a way to confirm whether switching from NTP to chrony will give us less clock drift. Based on our measurements (my aforementioned graphs), it looks like switching from NTP to chrony has made the clock drift worse. This doesn't make sense to me because chrony is known for providing significant improvements upon NTP, and we're polling at 1-second intervals.

This is minor, but for the benefit of future readers of the list archives it would be helpful if you used 'NTP' to refer to the protocol and 'ntpd' to refer to the common NTP daemon implementation. Chrony also supports the NTP protocol, so you aren't switching from 'NTP to Chrony' but from 'ntpd to Chrony' :-)

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