Re: [chrony-users] PPS and NMEA same source not combined

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Yes I kind of understand your thinking and I was about to agree but surely if you have a more accurate local source, using that would be preferable?

Kind regards, Michael A Smith.

📲 07973 221971
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📩 mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My apologies for any incorrect information or typographical errors. Any opinions expressed are my own, and are not intended to offend. Anyone offended by anything stated, will likely have offended me, by being inconsiderate of my beliefs.

On 19 Mar 2023, at 19:54, Rob Janssen <chrony-users@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

That is how it should be!
When you have internet time sources, those are to be preferred over an NMEA source.
And the PPS source is to be preferred over both of these.  Add a "prefer" keyword to that line.
NMEA should only come into play when you have no internet sources or they are over a very jittery network.


On 3/19/23 20:37, Mike Smith wrote:
For some reason it’s now decided to take the NMEA time as primary.  Maybe I should put the precision statement back into the NMEA line as that one has much more latency as you described earlier.  I did previously have precision 1e-1 to get a second accuracy but found it kept preferring the internet time sources then.

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