[chrony-users] Monitoring chrony, Prometheus-friendly metrics: redux

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Hello chrony-users -

Some of you may remember past threads about monitoring chrony (e.g. [1]),
preferrably with Prometheus but without adding a hard dependency on
output formats or an http server within chrony itself.

Ben Kochie has started an external exporter project which does not
scrape chrony output but instead uses the proper way of retrieving
any metrics via the protocol. It's fast, small(ish) and already has
replaced the previous script I used for the past few years.

The project can be found at: https://github.com/SuperQ/chrony_exporter
and there are prebuilt binaries, though building it is quite easy as well.
An unofficial Gentoo ebuild can be found at [2].

If there is a particular metric missing that you want to see exposed,
please file an issue, or even better just add it and send a PR.
Adding more metrics is relatively simple; just look at my own contributions
as inspiration. :)

Hopefully some of you find this useful.


[1] https://www.mail-archive.com/chrony-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/msg02175.html
[2] https://github.com/hhoffstaette/portage/tree/master/app-metrics/chrony_exporter

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