答复: [chrony-users] ntpq-like queries using chronyc

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Do you want to enumerate all time sources, chronyc sources -a -v may work, and will indicate which time sources are which types


发件人: andrei tudor corduneanu [mailto:x7uplime@xxxxxxxxx]
发送时间: 202269 21:20
收件人: chrony-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: [chrony-users] ntpq-like queries using chronyc


I was looking for a way to get the list of peers known to an ntp server and some of their stats, the ntpq command I'd like to replicate is:

$ ntpq -n -cpeers ntp-srv.local

Is there any way to do that with chronyd/chronyc ?

Can chronyc make all the possible queries of ntpq?

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