[chrony-users] chronyd.service slow start on boot?

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I've recently switched to chrony on my Arch Linux laptop and systemd consistently reports 8 to 9 seconds for this service to start. I don't think it's actually slowing the overall boot process because services can start on parallel, but anyway I'm asking if this much time is rather expected. All my sources are marked as offline in the config.

I'm copying here the service unit file and relevant info from my system running chrony 4.1:

Description=NTP client/server
Documentation=man:chronyd(8) man:chrony.conf(5)
After=ntpdate.service sntp.service ntpd.service
Conflicts=ntpd.service systemd-timesyncd.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/chronyd $OPTIONS


cat /etc/sysconfig/chronyd
OPTIONS='-r -s'

graphical.target @9.031s
└─multi-user.target @9.031s
  └─chronyd.service @418ms +8.612s
    └─basic.target @415ms
      └─sockets.target @414ms
        └─dbus.socket @413ms
          └─sysinit.target @405ms
            └─systemd-backlight@backlight:amdgpu_bl0.service @2.520s +6ms
              └─system-systemd\x2dbacklight.slice @678ms

19:28:29 systemd[1]: Starting NTP client/server...
19:28:29 chronyd[688]: chronyd version 4.1 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC +PRIVDROP +SCFILTER +SIGND +ASYNCDNS +NTS +SECHASH +IPV6 -DEBUG)
19:28:26 chronyd[688]: System time set from RTC
19:28:26 chronyd[688]: Frequency -0.115 +/- 0.020 ppm read from /var/lib/chrony/drift
19:28:26 chronyd[688]: Using right/UTC timezone to obtain leap second data
19:28:34 chronyd[688]: System clock off from RTC by 0.080163 seconds (slew)
19:28:34 systemd[1]: Started NTP client/server.
19:28:42 chronyd[688]: Loaded dump file for xx.xx.xx.xx
19:28:42 chronyd[688]: Loaded dump file for xx.xx.xx.xx
19:28:42 chronyd[688]: Loaded dump file for xx.xx.xx.xx
19:28:42 chronyd[688]: Loaded dump file for xx.xx.xx.xx
19:28:42 chronyd[688]: Loaded dump file for xx.xx.xx.xx
19:28:42 chronyd[688]: Selected source xx.xx.xx.xx
19:28:42 chronyd[688]: System clock TAI offset set to 37 seconds

According to journalctl output server startup time is around 5-6 seconds...


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