[chrony-users] How to use a "PPS" with freq higher than 1Hz? |
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I have been using Chrony with great success for a while now on a few different single board computers with a GPS+PPS setup. My working chrony.conf line for the PPS refclock is as follows:
refclock PPS /dev/pps0 refid PPS lock GPS precision 1e-9 poll 3 offset 0.0 prefer
I changed the GPS setup to issue a 5Hz "PPS" signal still with 100msec ON time. I verified that with an oscilloscope and also by watching the interrupt trigger count on real time with:
watch cat /proc/interrupts
that the IRQ count grows by 10 every 2 secs. So all as expected, the /dev/pps0 is seeing the 5Hz 100msec ON square wave
I commented
the working PPS definition in the chrony.conf file and instead added the one below:
PPS /dev/pps0 refid PPS lock GPS precision 1e-9 poll 3 offset 0.0 rate 5 dpoll -3 prefer
but monitoring
with "watch chronyc sources -v" shows no readings from PPS
Is my definition of the driver in chrony.conf wrong? Or maybe the
PPS driver doesn't deal with higher frequency pulses? Or should I use a different driver altogether?
Thanks a million!!
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