[chrony-users] Syncromisation confusion

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I tried adding a refclock PCH in pps mode to my chrony machine, which gets its time from an ntpd server running on my firewall, which in turn gets it's time from three different ntp.pool.org-servers. At the moment, the chrony machine is not talking to any other sources.

Without the refclock, the offset when graphed was fairly shaky, but the clock settled in to what seemed to be a consistent sync pattern, albeit with a bit less precision than I would like to have.

After the refclock was added, chrony says that it's lacking a majority and can't sync for most of the time, and then about every 12 hours it starts to sync, spends about 90 minutes speeding up the clock, until all of a sudden it stops, and goes right back to not syncing.

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/821349976999329794/823912884186775572/testing.png (apologies if external links aren't allowed here) shows a graph of the measurement.log output during this time. Even though I don't understand what's going on, I'm fascinated by the behavior. Is there anyone who can help me understand what is happening based on the data in the graph? Is there other data needed to explain and understand what is happening?

o/ MW

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