Re: [chrony-users] Issue with chrony dropping PPS signal

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mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx said:
> Can you please check whether /sys/class/pps/pps0/assert shows new samples
> when chronyd stops receving PPS? 

I have a hack that may be handy for monitoring a PPS signal when you aren't 
looking.  It is intended for counting pulses from the power line.  It should 
count pulses from a GPS just as well.

There are no command line arguments.  Edit the source.

It writes a line to a log file every 10 seconds.

The log file looks like this when watching my power line:
59277     9.411  1614816009.396727 22560717  10.003214  600
59277    19.421  1614816019.416945 22561318  10.020218  601
59277    29.431  1614816029.420147 22561918  10.003202  600
59277    39.441  1614816039.440519 22562519  10.020371  601
59277    49.451  1614816049.443213 22563119  10.002694  600

First 2 columns are ntpd style date and time: mjd and seconds this day.
3rd column is time of last PPS.
4th column is number of pulses.
5th and 6th are deltas of 3+4 since previous line.

It rolls over to a new file each day with ntpd style file names and ppsstats 
linked to the current one.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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