Re: [chrony-users] Time from gpsd via socket

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After my original post I realized that actually I could answer my own question with an experiment.

I disconnected the Pi from the network, stopped chrony, set the time to Jan 1 2019, and rebooted.

A few seconds after rebooting, the time jumped back to the correct time, so this seems to prove (?) that it is getting both clock time, *and* PPS, from the one SOCKet.

This is fine, but it does seem to be completely undocumented. And all the internet guides are very out of date. People are going to be confused, like me.

Bill - thanks for your reply. I know I can do it without gpsd, but prefer to keep it around, just in case I ever want to run other things on the same Pi that need to access the same devices. My experiment also seems to show that you’re not correct about the gpsd socket - it does supply both time and pps together. (Unless I’m missing some other magical place it could be getting the time from.)

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