[chrony-users] RTC trim and offset reduced to 1ms

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Hi all,


I’m trying to configure chronyd to set RTC time considering System time and its variations. In particular, I’d like to get an offset between RTC time and Sys time less than 1ms (milliseconds). Is it possibile?

Below my configuration file and some statistics I found in my rtc.log file.


---- Configuration File ----

hwclockfile /etc/adjtime

rtcautotrim 0.001

rtcdevice /dev/rtc

rtcfile /var/lib/chrony/rtc

logdir /var/log/chrony

log rtc statistics measurements tracking



---- Statistics -----

   Date (UTC) Time   RTC fast (s) Val   Est fast (s)   Slope (ppm)  Ns  Nr Meas


2020-01-16 09:59:14       0.019363 0        0.000000         0.000   1   0   15

2020-01-16 09:59:15       0.019269 0        0.000000         0.000   2   0   15

2020-01-16 09:59:16       0.019006 0        0.000000         0.000   3   0   15

2020-01-16 09:59:17       0.018822 0        0.000000         0.000   4   0   15

2020-01-16 09:59:18       0.018606 0        0.000000         0.000   5   0   30

2020-01-16 09:59:19       0.018448 0        0.000000         0.000   6   0   30

2020-01-16 09:59:20       0.018225 0        0.000000         0.000   7   0   60

2020-01-16 09:59:21       0.018010 0        0.006622      -195.346  -1   7   60

2020-01-16 09:59:37       0.001297 0        0.006622      -195.346   0   7   15

2020-01-16 09:59:54       0.000403 0        0.006622      -195.346   1   7   15

2020-01-16 10:00:11       0.010295 1        0.010295       -89.252   2   0   15

2020-01-16 10:00:28       0.009355 1        0.009355       -75.462   3   0   15

2020-01-16 10:00:45       0.019718 1        0.016737       129.695   4   3   15

2020-01-16 10:01:17       0.018735 1        0.018735       111.847   5   4   30

2020-01-16 10:01:49       0.017672 1        0.017672        49.485   6   2   30

2020-01-16 10:02:51       0.016538 1        0.020698        49.241   7   3   60

2020-01-16 10:03:53       0.015583 1        0.018134        25.735   8   3   60

2020-01-16 10:04:55       0.014584 1        0.019387        24.595   9   4   60

2020-01-16 10:05:57       0.013650 1        0.013650       -15.534  10   6   60

2020-01-16 10:07:59       0.012603 1        0.012232       -13.628  11   4  120


Thank you very much!



Luca Seoli

Software Integrator Engineer

Electronics – Technology Innovation

Phone: +390118269316



V.le Carlo Emanuele II 118/150, Venaria Reale (Torino), Italy





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