Re: [chrony-users] chrony switch to low stratum very slow

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Thanks for the advice and I'll play around based on your advice.

As you can see from the log, the delayed switch caused the local
clock's offset from about 10 us to 300 us. I think it's better to
consider the factor of unreachable server.

Frank Huang

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 12:20 AM Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 12:02:50PM -0700, chuang213 wrote:
> > 2019-08-07 00:38:35     2    -14.307      0.054
> > -6.028e-06 N  5  2.563e-05  7.701e-06  2.349e-04  1.930e-05  2.297e-04
> > 2019-08-07 01:10:33     3    -14.307      0.000
> > -3.306e-04 N  3  2.376e-04  7.130e-09  4.031e-04  3.629e-05  2.183e-03
> > it seemed it took 16 seconds (the poll period) to switch server from
> > stratum 3 to stratum 2. However, it took almost 32 minute, or 1918
> > seconds to switch server from stratum 3 to stratum 2.
> To me that looks about right. The second source not only has a higher
> stratum, but it has also has a larger root delay and dispersion. With
> the default stratumweight and reselectdist, the lower stratum source
> has to gain about 1300 milliseconds to be comparable to the other
> source, and if the dispersion rate is at 1 ppm (maxclockerror), it
> will take more than 1300 seconds for the scales to switch in favor of
> the other source.
> You can set stratumweight and reselectdist to 0, but there will still
> be some delay due to the increase in root delay and dispersion, and
> the reselect process itself.
> > Although I know lower stratum server is in favor but when it is
> > unreachable, it should switch to other reachable server, sometimes
> > lower stratum.
> chronyd doesn't care about reachability very much. An old accurate
> source that tracked very well may still be preferred over less
> accurate/stable sources.
> --
> Miroslav Lichvar
> --
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