[chrony-users] A question about the output of 'chronyc sources'.

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I am curious about what would make chrony (3.2) reject packets (if this is the correct terminology).
In our setup, which is used in a system with two computers and a GPS receiver in a car, the output of 'chronyc sources' on the computer connected to the GPS receiver, includes the following:

MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^? ltl-m-1                       0   6   377     -     +0ns[   +0ns] +/-    0ns

'ltl-m-1' is the other computer, which has an NTP client having the first computer as its server. The reason for the server entry here is to be able to monitor the offset of the client.

Now, the state is '?', Reach is 377, and LastRx is empty (and the offset is 0).

So, my question is: what could cause 'chronyc sources' to output a line like the one that we are seeing, without an offset?

(We are using chrony as provided by openSUSE, so there may be distribution patches.)
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