Re: [chrony-users] Request: Add an optional timeout option for 'chronyd -q ...'

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On Wed, 30 Nov 2016, Lonnie Abelbeck wrote:


We are in the process of moving from 'ntp' to 'chrony' for our open source project.

In a matter of a few hours, I have made the conversion, including testing by booting without a network connection, restart chrony every 10 seconds for a 100+ times, etc .

I am very impressed with 'chrony' !

Though we have one issue uncovered during testing.

First, a little background, previously we used this sequence at boot time to set a big jump, then maintain the clock:
first="$(awk '/^server / { print $2; nextfile; }' /etc/ntpd.conf)"
sntp -S -t4 $first
ntpd -g -c /etc/ntpd.conf

This is how we are doing it now with chrony:
first="$(awk '/^(server|pool) / { print $2; nextfile; }' /etc/chrony.conf)"
chronyd -q -u ntp "server $first iburst"
chronyd -u ntp

What we would like is a "-t timeout" option to be used with "chronyd -q ..." just like sntp's -t option.  I have seen cases where "chronyd -q ..." hangs without a timeout.

The last thing we want to for chronyd to hang at boot time, and it can without such a timeout option, here are some logs...

2016-11-30T18:50:24Z chronyd version 2.4.1 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC +PRIVDROP -SCFILTER -SECHASH +ASYNCDNS -IPV6 -DEBUG)
2016-11-30T18:50:24Z Initial frequency -17.442 ppm
2016-11-30T18:50:26Z Received KoD RATE from, burst sampling stopped
(Hung for minutes or longer, a ^C was require to continue)

What are you doing to get a KoD? The intial burst should only be very brief
and with something like 3 samples. More is not really needed.

2016-11-30T18:43:30Z chronyd version 2.4.1 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC +PRIVDROP -SCFILTER -SECHASH +ASYNCDNS -IPV6 -DEBUG)
2016-11-30T18:43:30Z Initial frequency -15.827 ppm
2016-11-30T18:43:37Z Received KoD RATE from, burst sampling stopped
2016-11-30T18:47:57Z No suitable source for synchronisation

2016-11-30T19:11:01Z chronyd version 2.4.1 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC +PRIVDROP -SCFILTER -SECHASH +ASYNCDNS -IPV6 -DEBUG)
2016-11-30T19:11:01Z Initial frequency -17.331 ppm
2016-11-30T19:11:01Z Received KoD RATE from, burst sampling stopped
(Hung for minutes or longer, a ^C was require to continue)

All of the above are linked to KoD. The remote system is objecting strenuously
to the rate at which you are hitting them for sample.

Does adding a "-t timeout" option to be used with "chronyd -q ..." sound reasonable ?  We would probably use -t 8 (in seconds) for the upper bound.


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