Re: [chrony-dev] [PATCH v1] rtc: handle uninitialized RTC

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On Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 05:04:00PM +0200, Johannes Schneider wrote:
> Add a configuration option for an "initialization year/timestamp"
> chornyd can use to start an uninitialized RTC, so that the RTC driver
> can continue its start up, and chrony could later trim the RTC to an
> accurate date.
> Without this 'kick-off', on systems where the RTC would return -EINVAL
> when being queried either for features, or just being read, chronyd
> would be unable to start the RTC driver ("513 RTC driver not running")
> and hence could/would not set it.
> An example RTC where this is the case is RX8130 (of the ds1307
> family), which would return -EINVAL *until* the internal oscillator is
> started by writing a valid date to it.

Wouldn't all applications reading RTC need this patch? I think this
should be addressed in the kernel driver instead. Was there a
discussion about that?

Miroslav Lichvar

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