[chrony-dev] [Git][chrony/chrony][master] 2 commits: ntp: update NTP-over-PTP support

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Title: GitLab

Miroslav Lichvar pushed to branch master at chrony / chrony


  • c46e0549
    by Miroslav Lichvar at 2024-06-20T14:35:28+02:00
    ntp: update NTP-over-PTP support
    Following the latest version of the draft, accept NTP messages in both
    PTPv2 and PTPv2.1 messages, accept sync messages in addition to delay
    request messages, and check the minorSdoId field in PTPv2.1 messages.
    Transmitted messages are still PTPv2 delay requests.
    Don't switch to the organization-specific TLV yet. Wait for the NTP TLV
    subtype and Network Correction extension field to be assigned by IANA to
    avoid an additional break in compatibility.
  • 4da088ec
    by Miroslav Lichvar at 2024-06-20T15:00:17+02:00
    ntp: make NTP-over-PTP domain configurable
    Add ptpdomain directive to set the domain number of transmitted and
    accepted NTP-over-PTP messages. It might need to be changed in networks
    using a PTP profile with the same domain number. The default domain
    number of 123 follows the current NTP-over-PTP specification.

6 changed files:

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