Re: [chrony-dev] Chrony and leap-second table expiration

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On Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 11:38:24AM -0800, Paul Eggert wrote:
> Currently Chrony does not look at the leap-seconds.list file. However,
> yesterday Patrick Oppenlander proposed[3] a patch to do that.
> So, three questions:
> * If Chrony reads leap-seconds.list should it also look at the leap second
> expiration and reject old files?

As currently chrony works, there would be no functional difference
between rejecting old file and using old file unless someone was
interested in replaying old leap seconds.
> * If Chrony does not read leap-seconds.list, but instead uses the right/UTC
> file, should it also look at any leap-second expiration information in that
> file and reject old files? This would involve Chrony looking at the file
> directly instead of relying on localtime/mktime, and building right/UTC with
> TZDB's EXPIRES_LINE=1 option.

No chance of chrony implementing its own parser. If that information
cannot be easily retrieved by system functions, it will not be used.

> * If leap seconds are discontinued, which is a distinct possibility, what
> sort of "leap second expiration" should Chrony use?

Ignoring expiration seems to be the only reasonable option to me.

Miroslav Lichvar

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