[chrony-dev] Adding a "fallback" option to "server" and friends

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this is my first post to chrony-dev. I am maintaining chrony at SUSE.

I am wondering if it would make sense to add a flag to the "server" directive that acts like kind of the reverse of "prefer". It could be named "fallback", but I am open for better suggestions.

Entries marked with this new flag would be ignored (and maybe even hidden from the list of sources) as long as there are other sources available that do not have this flag.

This would allow vendor preconfigurations to stay in the background while there are locally configured sources, but act as a fallback if there is no local configuration or the locally configured servers are not reachable.

Of course similar behavior could be accieved by using the "prefer" flag in all local configurations, but not in the preconfigurations, but this would require every user and every script to cooperate, whereas a new flag with lower priority that is kind of reserved for vendors would not interfer with existing practice and scripts.

Any comments are welcome.


SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH (HRB 36809, AG Nürnberg)
Geschäftsführer / Managing Director: Ivo Totev

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