[chrony-dev] permissions

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With the latest advent of hacking NTP protocols, the effort should be underway with regard to graceful lockdown of ntp (not NTP, the alternative) administration efforts and their capability set.

There are two basic issues with ntp admin:

1.  Hackers are easily obtaining basic protocol info in which to mount their NTP skew and source-replacement attacks.

2.  Attack remediation through leakage must be done.

We need to drop down ntp admin privileges from revealing too much of protocol
and infrastructure of time servers and their raw data.

What are the unprivileged operation of Chrony?

Basic premises:
  - Provide reduced privilege for observers of security enforcement to examine
  - Provide users with essential time-syncing data to do their job but NOT to alter the infrastructure.
  - no _chrony group file are writable... this is important
  - no _chrony group directory are writable
  - And to leverage AppArmor (and UNIX file perms) to help with that.

Yet, we already have a '_chrony' for an unprivileged user.
  - underutilized
  - But the 'chsh _chrony' is still at /usr/bin/nologin
    - And rightfully so.
    - If we cannot login as '_chrony' user, what good is '_chrony' username?
      - if we can 'su _chrony', then we can make file CHANGES!!!
        - But passwords are not allowed at _chrony user. (CIS?)
      - if we can 'sudo -u _chrony /bin/bash', then we can make file CHANGES!!!
        - group-authentication is now shifted to /etc/sudoer*
          - Easily grouped with 'qa' or 'auditor' group.
            - Not the best thing, but the next best thing.

And as for  '_chrony' group being unprivileged.
  - 'adduser <user> _chrony' is how to join this Chrony 'read-only' group

  - That is most useful for QA or OSCAP (CIS Security) effort (where it 
    is nearly all read-operation for their verification and validation 
    of overall hardened effort.

  - Admin of sudoers.conf can then add '_chrony' to their Group alias.

  - Some files will never be viewable by QA/OSCAP (i.e., DNS private keys)
    - Chrony NTP keys is one such example, not viewable by QA/OSCAP
      - Use g-rxw fileperm on that 'keys' file
        - They'll see be seeing 'authdata', 'serverstats' and 'ntpdata' instead

  - 'newgrp _chrony', what is it good for?  Only good to bypass the
    group-passwd mechanism (provided by gpasswd(8)).  Shifts onus of
    a group protection to all users' effort by guarding their own 
    user password.

Ideal general ntp roles
                      OPERATOR CHRONY CHRONY  
                 ROOT  CRON    ADMIN  USER    NOBODY
operations - client-tool
IP, cmdAllowDeny acl    -       YES    -       -
IP, allow-deny   acl    -       YES    -       -
IP, cyclelogs     -    YES      YES    -       -
IP, reload        -    YES      YES    -       -
IP, online        -    YES      YES    -       -
IP, onoffline     -    YES      YES    -       -
IP, dump          -    YES      YES    -       -
IP, shutdown      -    acl      YES    -       -
IP, reselect      -    acl      YES    -       -
IP, add/delete    -    acl      YES    -       -
IP, local         -    acl      YES    -       -
IP, smoothtime    -    acl      YES    -       -
IP, rekey         -    acl      YES    -       -
IP, refresh       -    acl      YES    -       -
IP, makestep      -    acl      YES    -       -
IP, maxupdateskew -    acl      YES    -       -
IP, waitsync      -    acl      YES    -       -
IP, manual        -    acl      YES    -       - 
IP, maxdelay      -     -       YES    -       -
IP, retries       -     -       YES    -       -
IP, timeout       -     -       YES    -       -
IP, settime       -     -       YES    -       -
IP, polltarget    -     -       YES    -       -
IP, minstratum    -     -       YES    -       -
IP, minpoll       -     -       YES    -       -
IP, maxpoll       -     -       YES    -       -
IP, maxdelay      -     -       YES    -       -
IP, maxdelayratio -     -       YES    -       -
IP, maxdelaydevratio    -       YES    -       -

                      OPERATOR CHRONY CHRONY  
                 ROOT  CRON    ADMIN  USER    NOBODY
monitoring - client-tool
IP, activity     YES   YES      YES   acl      - 
IP, clients      YES   YES      YES   acl      - 
IP, sourcename   YES   YES      YES   acl      - 
IP, accheck      YES   acl      YES   acl      - 
IP, sources      YES   acl      YES   acl      - 
IP, tracking     YES   acl      YES   acl      - 
IP, manual list  YES   acl      YES   acl      - 

statistics - client-tool
IP, sourcesstat   -    YES      YES   YES      -
IP, selectdata    -    YES      YES   YES      -
IP, reselectdata  -    YES      YES   YES      -
IP, authdata      -    YES      YES   YES      -
IP, smoothing     -    YES      YES   YES      -

                      OPERATOR CHRONY CHRONY  
                 ROOT  CRON    ADMIN  USER    NOBODY
UNIX-sock, read  YES   YES      YES   group    -
UNIX-sock, modify -     -       YES   acl      -

logs, read       YES   YES      YES   YES      -
logs, move       YES   YES      YES    -       -
logs, create      -    YES      YES    -       -
logs, delete      -    YES       -     -       -
logs, change      -     -        -     -       -
logs, append      -     -        -     -       -
sources, read    YES    -       YES   YES      -
sources, move    YES    -       YES    -       -
sources, create   -     -       YES    -       -
sources, delete   -     -       YES    -       -
sources, change   -     -       YES    -       -
sources, append  YES    -       YES    -       -
config, read     YES    -       YES   YES      -
config, move     YES    -       YES    -       -
config, create    -     -       YES    -       -
config, delete    -     -       YES    -       -
config, change    -     -       YES    -       -
config, append    -     -       YES    -       -
                      OPERATOR CHRONY CHRONY  
                 ROOT  CRON    ADMIN  USER    NOBODY
keys, read       YES    -       YES    -       -
keys, move       YES    -       YES    -       -
keys, create      -     -       YES    -       -
keys, delete      -     -       YES    -       -
Keys, change      -     -       YES    -       -
keys, append     YES    -       YES    -       -

Control, start   YES   YES      YES   YES      -
Control, restart YES   YES      YES   YES      -
Control, stop    YES*  YES*     YES    -       -

AppArmor file permissions (translated based on roles listed above):

                                        |  User-selectable |
                                        |ACL    default    |
Account GID      root   _chrony _chrony/_chrony <GID>
Account UID      root   root    _chrony|<UID>   <UID>
                        CHRONY  CHRONY/              Ideal
AppArmor PERMS   ROOT   ADMIN   USER |NOBODY ANYBODY Filesystem permissions
chronyd          rwxca  r.x..  .....* .....* r.x..*  0700 root:_chrony*
chronyc .  .  .  rwxca  r.x..  ..x..* .....* r.x..*  0710 root:_chrony*

/run/chrony/     rwxc-  r.x.-  r.x..  .....  r.x..   0750 _chrony:root
chrony.pid . . . rw.ca  r....  .....  .....  r....   0640 root:root
chrony.sock      rw.c-  rw...  rw..-  ....-  r...-   0660 _chrony:_chrony
/var/log/chrony/ rwxc-  rwxc-  r....  .....  r.x.-   0750 _chrony:_chrony
/var/lib/chrony/ rwxc-  r.x..  ......  .....  r.x.-   0750 _chrony:_chrony
drift  . . . . . rw.ca  r....  .....  .....  r....   0600 _chrony:_chrony

/etc/chrony/ . . rwxc-  r.x..  .....  .....  .....   0640 _chrony:root
chrony/conf.d/ . rwxc-  rwxc-  .....  .....  .....   0640 _chrony:root
chrony.conf  . . rw.ca  rw.ca  .....  .....  .....   0640 _chrony:root

chrony.keys  . . rw.ca  rw-ca  .....  ......  .....   0600 _chrony:root

others (controlled by dhclient)
run/chrony-dhcp/ r-x..  r.x..  .....  .....  .....   0750 root:_chrony+

  * Debian/user control the fileperms
  + can use _chrony:root if dhcp account has _chrony supplemental GID
      plus dhclient-exit-hooks.d/chrony script does chown/chmod commands
  - append is not applicable toward a directory or UNIX socket

Package changes needed (circa Debian 11 Update+Security):

chronyd          0755 root:root        -> 0750 _chrony:root
chrony/conf.d    0755 root:root        -> 0750 _chrony:root
chrony/sources.d 0755 root:root        -> 0750 _chrony:root
chrony.keys      0640 root:root        -> 0600 _chrony:root
run/chrony       0750 _chrony:_chrony  -> 0750 _chrony:root

Code patches needed (low priority, protected by its directory)
drift            0644 _chrony:_chrony  -> 0600 _chrony:_chrony

Re-design needed:
 - Need design clarification as to what Chrony client can do further to discriminate types of end-users (noticed, I did not mention user/group ID/name).

i have some auto-configuration and 489* has the file permission checker of Chrony in https://github.com/egberts/easy-admin/tree/main/chrony

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