Re: 回复: Re: [chrony-dev] Issue about chronyd synchronize to local clock

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On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 04:22:55AM +0000, saga m wrote:
>   When will the kernel set the unsychronized status again, it seems that I have to excute 'adjtimex -S 0 -m 0' periodically as you mentioned

When the maximum error, which is increasing at a rate of 500 ppm,
gets to 16 seconds. That takes 16 / 500e-6 = 32000 seconds.

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 09:46:07PM +0800, xqmeng80@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>    I opened the built-in log in chronyd and after several hours the synchronization status becomes no. But  the stratum didn't increase too high, as I use
>    local stratum 10 in chrony.conf as its initial value, the straum just increase by 1.

>    chronyd[10693]: ntp_core.c:1686:(receive_packet) NTP packet lvm=44 stratum=11 poll=10 prec=-24 root_delay=0.000031 root_disp=0.034988   refid=7f000001 []
>   chronyd[10693]: ntp_core.c:1700:(receive_packet) test123=111 test567=111 testABCD=1110 kod_rate=0 interleaved=0 presend=0 valid=1 good=0 updated=1

The test D failed, which means a synchronization loop was detected
before the stratum could get to the maximum of 16. The client checks
if the refid reported by the server is not equal to its address and
this works even on the loopback interface.

Miroslav Lichvar

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