Re: [chrony-dev] chronyd 3.5 on macOS

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> On 7/12/2019, at 7:51 PM, Gerriet M. Denkmann <gerrietm@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Workaround:
> • have a launch daemon, which, whenever the system is going to sleep, does gettimeofday + settimeofday.

I'm not sure that chronyd should be performing this function. It seems to me that this is something macOS should already be doing. Perhaps a bugreport or feature request to Apple is in order?

Of course it's possible that by having usurped the NTP function of Apple's pretty much undocumented timed daemon, chronyd is in fact stopping this from happening. I'm unsure on how to test that hypothesis.

I'm quite happy to include a sleep detection launchd daemon with chronycontrol, which already has the mechanisms for installation/removal/starting/stopping of privileged programs.

Bryan Christianson

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