[chrony-dev] struct shmTime

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A few years back, a co-worker wrote some code for forwarding time
from one of our drivers, to chrony, using the shared memory segment.
And I'm thinking of reusing that code in another of our drivers.

The code begins thus:

	// From Chrony refclock_shm.c -- TBD Is there a common header for this?
	// gpsd, omnisymc, and radiosync all have individual copies

	#define SHMKEY 0x4e545030

	struct shmTime {
	  int    mode;
	  volatile int count;
	  time_t clockTimeStampSec;
	  int    clockTimeStampUSec;

So this seems like the right audience to ask: *Is* there a common
header for this?  Obviously copy'n'pasting it around forever will
work well enough, as it's never going to change, but using a common
header would certainly be nice, if there is one.

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