Re: [chrony-dev] New online/offline command

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On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 3:50 PM, Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'd like to add a new command to chronyc which would take sources
online or offline depending on whether it is possible to sent packets
to them, i.e. they have a route configured on the local system. The
goal is to simplify the code in the NetworkManager dispatcher scripts
in downstream packages to a single chronyc command.

First of all I'll like the simplification - so thanks for working on this.
Is the expected usage then an unconditional call (no ip's or such) and chrony will sort out those that apply
I have something working, but I'm not sure what would be a good name
for the command.

Any suggestions?

If I understand the semantics correctly IMHO it would not even be a new command entriely.
Why not just extend
offline [address], offline [masked-address/masked-bits], offline [mask/masked-address]
online [address], online [masked-address/masked-bits], online [mask/masked-address]
offline [address], offline [masked-address/masked-bits], offline [mask/masked-address], unreachable
online [address], online [masked-address/masked-bits], online [mask/masked-address], reachable

Would that match how you had in mind they'd work?

Miroslav Lichvar

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