RE: [chrony-dev] Chrony 2.0-pre1 fails on FreeBSD 10.1

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The change in ntp_core.c fixes the problem for me.
Samples from remote servers are received and processed .

Thanks for the quick response.


-----Original Message-----
From: Miroslav Lichvar [mailto:mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: donderdag 29 januari 2015 12:48
To: chrony-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [chrony-dev] Chrony 2.0-pre1 fails on FreeBSD 10.1

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 10:57:53AM +0000, Adri Koppes wrote:
> server iburst maxdelayratio 2 polltarget 8
> initstepslew 0.1

> 2015-01-29T10:46:55Z ntp_core.c:1277:(receive_packet) NTP packet lvm=44 stratum=1 poll=6 prec=-23 root_delay=0.000000 root_disp=0.000427 refid=50505300 []
> 2015-01-29T10:46:55Z ntp_core.c:1282:(receive_packet) reference=1422528401.194382 origin=1422528415.148491 receive=1422528415.150800 transmit=1422528415.150833
> 2015-01-29T10:46:55Z ntp_core.c:1284:(receive_packet) offset=0.000229 delay=0.004160 dispersion=0.000010 root_delay=0.004160 root_dispersion=0.000438
> 2015-01-29T10:46:55Z ntp_core.c:1287:(receive_packet) test123=111 test567=111 testABCD=1011 kod_rate=0 valid=1 good=0

The zero in the testABCD value means testB is failing (incorrectly)
for packets from the server, this is the maxdelayratio test. It looks
like the bug was introduced in the NTPv4 update, the result should be
negated when maxdelayratio is enabled.

I'll fix this shortly. I should also add a test for the various server
options to the test suite to catch such bugs early.

Thanks for the report!

Miroslav Lichvar

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