Re: [chrony-dev] Fw: leap seconds correction

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> From: Marek Behun <kabel@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

I'm in no position to comment on the design issue here, but I'd like
to point out that the sentence below starting with "You can determine
if you need this parameter" is *totally* unclear.  The sentence is
evidently supposed to describe a procedure by which the user can
determine if they need this parameter, but what the procedure is is
entirely mysterious.

>   Correct leap seconds.  Sometimes required when synchronizing to an
>   NTP server.  When synchronizing using the RFC 868 protocol, use this
>   option only if the server does not correctly account for leap
>   seconds.  You can determine if you need this parameter if you sync
>   against an NTP server (with this parameter) or (recommended) check
>   with a local radio controlled watch or phone service.


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