Re: [chrony-dev] Issue with version 1.25 and GPRS/GSM connections

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On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 03:22:48PM +0100, Ed W wrote:
> On 12/08/2011 14:45, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
> > I've also disabled the maxdelayratio test, the default value (16384)
> > was pretty high, but I imagine someone reconnecting a laptop from LAN
> > to dialup might be able to hit it.
> So, if they used a local NTP server over lan with a 1ms RTT, they would
> hit it at 16.384s over dialup?  That actually doesn't sound too
> unreasonable for a default? (or is it the jitter which is measured, ie
> <1ms on lan?)

The delay is tested. I was thinking 200us RTT on LAN and 3.3s RTT on
dialup. There is also a hard coded limit for both delay and dispersion,
they have to be less than 16 seconds (this probably comes from the

Miroslav Lichvar

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