Re: [chrony-dev] makestep command sometimes makes chrony stop reading its sources

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On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 08:41:53AM -0800, Bill Unruh wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jan 2010, Hattink, Tjalling (FINT) wrote:
> >I've looked into the initstepslew command but I think it only works for
> >NTP
> >sources, and I only have a reference clock available (SHM, PPS). Also
> I am not sure about that-- ie that the initstepslew is only available for
> network sources. I will have to look at the source code.

It works only for NTP sources, it's the acquire module which
duplicates a lot of the NTP code from ntp_* modules.

I was thinking about implementing an option that would allow chronyd
to step the clock when a threshold is reached. Maybe only a
configurable number of times, to mimic the -g option which ntpd has.
This would work for any sources.

And add an option for NTP sources to make a burst on start and thus
make the initstepslew command obsolete.

Miroslav Lichvar

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