[chrony-dev] [GIT] chrony/chrony.git annotated tag, 1.23-pre1, created. 1.23-pre1

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This is an automated email from git. It was enerated because a ref
change was pushed to the repository "chrony/chrony.git".

The annotated tag, 1.23-pre1 has been created
        at  a1aba61ec0b52895c1be670a739a329c89043b32 (tag)
   tagging  efcf3f7c6b9e55448ad34fe043ad57808f20e69e (commit)
  replaces  mandriva-1.22
 tagged by  Richard P. Curnow
        on  Wed Jun 27 23:57:47 2007 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
First prerelease for 1.23
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)


Bill Unruh (3):
      Fix problems with rtc_linux.
      Handle fluctuations in peer distance better.
      Fix handling of stratum zero.

Richard P. Curnow (8):
      Fix format of "could not send to" message
      configure: fix indentation from previous patch
      Merge branch 'vm'
      Fix whitespace issue with last patch
      Fix formatting from last patch
      Merge branch 'bu'
      Use git-archive instead of the obsolete git-tar-tree in make_release
      git archive's --prefix arg needs a trailing /

Stefan Lucke (1):
      Fix sign v zero extension error in handling IP address

Vladimir Michl (2):
      Add support for Linux/arm
      Allow RTC support to be excluded at compile time.



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