Re: [chrony-dev] refclock prefer and log

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On Sat, 28 Nov 2009, Håkan Johansson wrote:


I'm testing chrony (current git) with two GPS reference clocks, but am suffering from chrony moving between the two equally good sources as reference clock.

In what sense suffering? Those two clocks should be equivalent to better than
a microsecond if you are using pps. If not, then it might well depend on the
length of the sentences being issued.  What are you finding?

It would be nice with an option akin to the ntpd 'prefer' to force one of the two (when it is an eligible source, i.e. OK for sync).

ntpd also has a keyword 'noselect' which prevents a server from being used as reference clock. I've found that quite useful to let a good ntpd instance do monitoring of other machines, without the risk of them being used as reference.

As far as I could see, refclock measurements in chronyd are not logged to any file? It could be nice with a /var/log/chrony/refclock.log or something such, updated on each successful dpoll.


William G. Unruh   |  Canadian Institute for|     Tel: +1(604)822-3273
Physics&Astronomy  |     Advanced Research  |     Fax: +1(604)822-5324
UBC, Vancouver,BC  |   Program in Cosmology |     unruh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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