[Arakhnę.org] Announcement

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Arakhnê.org Announcements

[2016-02-23] Maven 3.3.9
Ubuntu packages for Maven 3.3.9 are available
[2016-02-22] AutoLaTeX 39.1
Add command line options for controlling the AutoLaTeX running process.
[2016-01-17] AutoLaTeX 38.2
Major bug fixes for AutoLaTeX.
[2017-02-17] TeX-UPmethodology 2017-02-17
The package subfigure is replaced by the package subcaption.
[2016-11-24] Wely repo removed
Arakhn�ª.org does not provide any more a package repository for Ubuntu Wily Werewolf.
[2017-08-08] TeX-UPmethodology 2017-08-08
Fixing spelling errors and typos.
[2016-02-17] AutoLaTeX 38.3
AutoLaTeX calls lualatex rather than luatex.
[2016-05-10] Ubuntu 16.04
Arakhn�ª.org is n ow providing a package repository for the Ubuntu distribution 16.04 (xenial xerus). The distribution Vivid Vervet is now unsupported.
[2017-07-21] Maven 3.5.0
New upstream 3.5.0 for Maven is available.
[2016-06-12] ArakhnÃ?ª.org Foundation Classes 13.0
The version 13.0 of the AFC is released on Maven Central.
[2016-02-20] AutoLaTeX 39.0
Add 'makeglossaries' is the list of invoked tools.
[2016-07-21] Removal of BOUML
BOUML patches are no more hosted on Arakhn�ª.org. The patched version on Arakhn�ª.org is tool old.
[2016-11-24] Zesty Zapus
Arakhn�ª.org provides a package repository for Ubuntu Zesty Zapus.
[2016-05-10] New public key for the Ubuntu repository
The Ubuntu repository has a new public key that must be registered in your APT system.
[2017-08-24] Ubuntu Repository Changes
Arakhn�ª.org does not support the Precise Pangolin and Yakkety Yak Ubuntu distributions. The Artful Aardvark is now supported.
[2017-03-10] TeX-UPmethodology 2017-03-10
Fixing invalid subfigure alignment.
-- --- http://www.arakhne.org

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