[Arakhnę.org] Announcement

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Arakhnê.org Announcements

[2013-09-06] AutoLaTeX 23.4
Display all warnings in Gedit plugin. Minor feature enhancements.
[2013-05-09] Kernel cleaner 7.0
The version 7.0 of the kernel cleaner is release.
[2013-09-16] AutoLaTeX 25.1
Add plugin for Sublime Text
[2013-04-01] AutoLaTeX 14.0
The tool is now supporting the files generated by the multibib package.
[2013-08-22] AutoLaTeX 21.3
Enable the manual selection of translators, complete the Gedit plugin.
[2013-04-27] AFC on GitHub
The Arakhn�ª Foundation Classes (AFC) are now hosted by GitHub.
[2013-03-20] New AFC modules
Several modules were added in AFC library: math, util, attrs, ui-base, ui-awt, ui-swing, ui-vector, ui-vector-awt, ui-vector-androi d.
[2013-10-01] TeX-upmethodology 20133001
Enable compilation with latex.
[2013-09-29] TeX-upmethodology 20130929
Fixing issue about page numbering of the front matter.
[2013-10-14] TeX-upmethodology 20133014
Add the macros \chapterfull, \sectionfull, and \newpageintoc.
[2013-09-04] AutoLaTeX 23.3
Minor bug fixes
[2013-08-22] AutoLaTeX 21.5
Fixing of a CRITICAL bug. Add French translations.
[2013-08-18] AutoLaTeX 21.0
Gedit plugin for AutoLaTeX and bug fixes.
[2013-04-28] Oracle JDK 1.7.0u21
Ubuntu packages for update 21 of the Oracle JDK 1.7.0 are available.
[2013-06-11] AutoLaTeX 18.0
Add converters from SVG and Dia combined with TeX macros. Major bug fixes.
[2013-09-03] AutoLaTeX 23.2
Minor bug fix
[2013-06-18] AutoLaTeX 19.0
Add a translator for extracting layers from a SVG file to produce Beamer animation.
[2013-06-16] AutoLaTeX 18.1
Minor enhancements and bug fixes.
[2013-10-16] TeX-upmethodology 20133016
Update the macro 'environment'.
[2013-09-25] AutoLaTeX 25.2
Major bug fixes in the subprocess management.
[2013-09-05] TeX-upmethodology 20130905
Add definition environment, fixing issues.
[2013-08-14] AutoLaTeX 20.0
AutoLaTeX may use Biber in place of BibTeX.
[2013-09-19] TeX-upmethodology 20130919
Add \declareupmtheorem, and math symbols and operators.
[2013-05-26] AutoLaTeX 17.0
Major release enhancem ents and bug fixes are released in AutoLaTeX 17.0.
[2013-08-24] AutoLaTeX 22.0
Support of SyncTeX, and major bug fix.
[2013-08-23] AutoLaTeX 21.6
Fixing of a major bug figures with embodied TeX.
[2013-05-30] TeX-upmethodology 20130530
Add the macro \includegraphicswtex.
[2013-09-23] AutoLaTeX 26.1
Add CLI option to be embedded in TeX editors.
[2013-08-28] TeX-upmethodology 20130828
Fixing issues #1, #2, and #3.
[2013-08-12] Oracle JDK 1.7.0u25
Ubuntu packages for update 25 of the Oracle JDK 1.7.0 are available.
[2013-04-27] NetEditor on GitHub
The NetEditor library is now hosted by GitHub.
[2013-08-17] TeX-upmethodology 20130817
Fixes for CTAN, and unify the prototype of \mfig urewtex.
[2013-09-06] AutoLaTeX 24.0
Add translators for GLE and Asymptote.
[2013-05-17] TeX-upmethodology 20130517
Minor bug fixes and addition of a default configuration for the package graphicx.
[2013-05-21] AutoLaTeX 16.0
AutoLaTeX is completely rewritten in Perl. It no more uses GNU Make.
[2013-08-15] TeX-upmethodology 20130815
Add the several macros, and fix bugs.
[2013-05-24] AutoLaTeX 16.2
Major bug fixes are released in AutoLaTeX 16.2.
[2013-05-14] AutoLaTeX 15.0
AutoLaTeX is now supporting the Professional, UML, and Community editions of Astah.
[2013-09-02] AutoLaTeX 23.0
Minor feature enhancement and bug fixes
[2013-04-01] tex-upmethodology 20130401
The bibliography style is no more set by default to avoid compilation errors.
[2013-08-28] AutoLaTeX 22.1
Progress bar and friendly error console are added.
[2013-10-14] AutoLaTeX 26.3
Major bug fixes.
[2013-05-09] No more Oneric Ocelot reporisotry
There is no more package repository for the Ubuntu distribution Oneiric Ocelot.
[2013-10-09] TeX-upmethodology 20133009
Remove references to the package 'fancyhdr'.
[2013-05-09] Saucy Salamander Repository
Arakhn�ª.org is now providing a package repository for the Ubuntu distribution Saucy Salamander.
[2013-08-12] AutoLaTeX 19.4
Major bug fixes.
[2013-08-23] TeX-upmethodology 20130823
Avoid double spacing in titles.
[2013-09-23] Nuxeo Drive Client
The Nuxeo Driver client is now packaged by Arakhn�ª.org
[2013-05-26] AutoLaTeX 17.1
Major bug fixes are released in AutoLaTeX 17.1.
-- --- http://www.arakhne.org

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