[Arakhnę.org] Announcement

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Arakhnê.org Announcements

[2009-09-09] New Eclipse plugin versions
A new version of following Eclipse plugins are released: AJDT 2.0.0, DTP 1.7, Mylyn 3.2.1, WTP 3.1, m2eclipse
[2009-09-09] Acrobat Reader not more supported
The Acrobat Reader package is no more provided by the Arakhn�ª.org server because a newer version is provided by the official Ubuntu servers.
[2009-09-09] Jude/Community 5.5.2
The new upstream version of Jude/Community is now available for download.
[2009-09-09] Skype
The new upstream version of Skype is now available for download.
--- --- http://www.arakhne.org

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