[anemon-devs] Ord Jesus. It is, however, most important for us |
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Ere might be forgiveness for our sins and cleansing from all their stains, when we repent of them. But inasmuch as there is no past or future with God, but all is present and timeless, there is a sense in which the suffering of the Lord Jesus for the sins of which we have not repented is present too. What a vision it is when we see these sins wounding and hurting Him now! May this solemn thought break our proud hearts in repentance! For it is only when we have seen these sins of ours in the heart of Jesus, so that we are broken and willing to repent of them and put them right, that the Blood of the Lamb cleanses us from them and the Dove returns with peace and blessing to our hearts. He humbled Himself to the manger, And even to Calvary's tree; But I am so proud and unwilling, His humble disciple to be. He yielded His will to the Father, And chose to abide in the Light; But I prefer wrestling to resting, And try by myself to do right. Lord break me, then cleanse me and fill me And keep me abiding in Thee; That fellowship may be unbroken, And Thy Name be hallowed in me. A saintly African Christian told a congregation once that, as he was climbing the hill to the meeting, he heard steps behind him. He turned and saw a man carrying a very heavy load up the hill on his back. He was full of sympathy for him and spoke |
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