[anemon-devs] On them all? DEMETRIUS. Prince Leo Sapieha! You concluded A bond of p

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Or, and adheres, from principle and against his
feelings, to the party
which he has once adopted. As the

misfortune has happened, he seeks at least to alleviate it, and to
enfeeble the power of the Poles. He pays for this effort
with his life; but he accepts death
as a merited punishment, and confesses this when dying to Demetrius
himself. CASIMIR, a brother
of LODOISKA, a young Polish lady, who has been secretly and
hopelessly attached to Demetrius, in the house of the Waywode of
Sendomir, has, at his sister's request, accompanied Demetrius in the
and in every encounter defended him bravely. In the moment of danger,
when all the other retainers of
Demetrius think

only of their personal safety, Casimir alone remains faithful to him,
and sacrifices
life in his defence. The conspiracy breaks out. Demetrius is with
when the leading conspirators
force their way into the room. The dignity and courage of Demetrius
have a momentary effect upon the rebels. He nearly succeeds
in disarming them by a promise to place the Poles at their

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