[anemon-devs] erry and colorful business which s

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through many ditches till I spied your light. There
you have my story. Now get me an escort to Bristol." It was a
long while before
Messire Heleigh spoke. Then, "These men," he said--"this de Giars and
this Fitz-Herveis--they gave their lives for yours, as I understand
it,--_pro caris amicis_. And yet you do not grieve for them." "I shall
regret de Giars,"
the Queen said, "for he made excellent songs. But
Fitz-Herveis?--foh! the man had a face
like a horse." Then again her mood changed. "Many men have died for me,
my friend. At first I wept for them, but now I am dry of tears."
He shook his head. "Cato very wisely says, 'If thou hast need of help,
ask it of thy friends.'

But the sweet friend that I remember was a clean-eyed girl, joyous and
exceedingly beautiful. Now you appear to me one of those ladies of
remoter times--Faustina, or Jael, or Artemis, the King's wife of
Tauris,--they that slew men, laughing. I am somewhat afraid of you,
madame." She was angry at first;
then her face softened. "You English!" she said, only
half mirthful. "Eh, my God! you remember me when I was happy. Now you
behold me in my misery. Yet even now I am y

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