[anemon-devs] mind fixed intently on his gods Long reigned in Saligram of a

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Ld find, And every pleasant nut and root By Providence for man
designed, A statue next of earth he made, An image
of the teacher wise, So deft he laid, the light and shade, On figure,
face and eyes, That any one who chanced to view That image tall might
soothly swear, If he great Dronacharjya knew, The

teacher in his flesh was there. Then at the statue's feet he placed A
bow, and arrows tipped with steel,
With wild-flower garlands interlaced,

And hailed the figure in his zeal As Master, and his head he bowed, A
pupil reverent from that hour Of one who late had disallowed The
claim, in pride of place and power. By strained sense, by constant
prayer, By steadfastness of heart and will, By courage to confront
and dare, All obstacles he conquered still; A conscience clear,--a
ready hand,

Joined to a meek humility, Success must

everywhere command, How could he

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