[anemon-devs] He ordinary scales it is not far from 90 deg. cen. The mercu

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Xperiment is plain and simple. Let the slate receive
a heavy or thick coating by the electrotype, then polish, coat, expose

the usual manner, and the
result will be a flat, ashy, indistinct impression; when,
on the other hand, the thin
will produce a bright, clear and distinct image, with
all the details delineated. The style of
battery best for the purpose has been, and now is, a question of
among operators;
some preferring
the Daniell battery to Smee's. Some claim the superiority of the first
from its uniformity of action; others, of the latter, for its
strength. I consider either good, and for the

inexperienced would prefer the Daniell. This is
more simple in its construction, while

it has certainty in action. The more skillful electrotyper would
prefer Smee's, and this

is the one most generally

in use. I would remark that the plan of galvanizing plates should be
followed by every operator, and when once thoroughly tested, no one
will abandon it. SILVERING SOLUTION. To any desired quantity of
chloride of
silver in water add, little by little, cyanide

of potassium, shaking well at each addition,
until all the cyanide is dissolved.
Continue this operation, and add
the cyanide,
until all the precipitate is taken up and held in solution. This
solution is now ready for

the plate-cup. Enough water may
be added to cover any sized plate wh

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