[anemon-devs] How would you like to put your ad right to the screens of millions in minutes?

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The number of web sites offering news & information using 
feeds is exploding! A feed is a regularly updated summary of 
web content, along with links to full versions of that content. 

When you subscribe to a given website's feed by using a feed 
reader, you'll receive a summary of new content from that 
website right on your screen or in a software feed reader. 

Many websites are using feeds to publish their latest information 
right to thousands of users within minutes. Soon everyone will be using
This makes feeds the ideal place to advertise.

More and more people are subscribing to feeds every day and 
there are millions who are already subscribed.Thus, your ad will reach
a very broad range of potential customers with each use of Feed Blaster!

Feed Blaster is the first & only submitter that can submit your 
ads to thousands of feeds within a few minutes! 

Post your ads where people read them!

- What if you could place your ad into all these feeds ?

Right, that would mean you would have millions of sites
linking to your ad - and millions of users reading your
message within minutes - and my idea actually works.

For Full Details please read the attached .html file

To Unsubscribe please read the attached Unsubscribe.txt file

Attachment: feedblaster.htm
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Unsubscribe.txt
Description: Binary data

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