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Ndite company where they are not allowed to inspect the books, and check
rashness or extravagance. It seems to be frequently the case, that a set
of able workmen, in the kind of artistic manufactures for which France
is celebrated, become the _gerants_ of such companies. This, we believe,
is a form in which whatever element of good may happen to lie in the
co-operative theories of a recent school of Socialists will be found.
The commercial witnesses before the select committee, spoke of ribbons
and other ornamental manufactures, which were only produced in
perfection in establishments where the energies of the designers were
roused by the possession of a share in the business, and in its
management, as _gerants_. Coinciding with these practical witnesses, the
theorists on political economy who were consulted on the occasion--such
as Mr Babbage and Mr J.S. Mill--held that many inventions that might be
patented and used, and many ingenious discoveries made by men of the
operative class, were lost to the world by the defective state of the la