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D a soft tapping at his door, though out of bed, he was getting on but
dreamily--it was so jolly to watch the mountains lying out in this early
light like huge beasts. That one they were going up, with his head just
raised above his paws, looked very far away out there! Opening the door
an inch, he whispered: "Is it late?" "Five o'clock; aren't you ready?"
It was awfully rude of him to keep her waiting! And he was soon down in
the empty dining-room, where a sleepy maid was already bringing in their
coffee. Anna was there alone. She had on a flax-blue shirt, open at the
neck, a short green skirt, and a grey-green velvety hat, small, with one
black-cock's feather. Why could not people always wear such nice things,
and be as splendid-looking! And he said: "You do look jolly, Mrs.
Stormer!" She did not answer for so long that he wondered if it had been
rude to say that. But she DID look so strong, and swift, and
happy-looking. Down the hill, t