[anemon-devs] Resistance, but likewise to lessen its Efforts |
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Wo ways of strengthning the Walls, which are either to ease them of
their own weight, or of that of the Earth which they are to support. The
first way of easing is in those Places where there are void spaces, as
above Doors or Windows. These easements may be made two different ways;
the first is to put over the Lintel which supports the Wall, which is
over the void space of the Gates and Windows, two Beams, which lying or
resting below directly upon _Pieds-droits_ or _Piers_ meet together
above. The other way is, to make directly over the void spaces Vaulted
Arches with Stones cut corner-ways and tending to one Center. For the
Walls be so strengthned by the means of these easements, that part of
the Wall which is below will not sink at all being easied of the load of
the part that is above, and if some defect should happen by tract of
time, it may be mended without propping that which is above. The second
way of easing, is, for Walls that are made to support the Earth; for,
besides the extraordinary thickness which they ought to have, they
should have likewise Buttresses on that side next the Earth, so far
distant one from another as is the breadth of the Wall; they ought
likewise to have an _Emparement_ or large Foundation which must be equal
to the height of the Wall, so that they go diminishing by degrees from
the bottom to the top, where they come to equal the height of the Wall.
[Sidenote: _Lib. 1. Chap. 5._] The effect of these _Buttresses_ is not
only to support the Earth by their Resistance, but likewise to lessen
its Efforts when it swells, in dividing it into many parts. [Sidenote:
_Lib. 6. Chap. 11._] And if it be judg'd that these _Buttresses_ be not
sufficient, the Wall also which supports the Earth must be strengthned
with other _Buttresses_ within. ART. V. _Of Flooring and Ceiling._ There
are four sorts of Flooring, some are upon the _Superficies_ of the
Ground, others between two Stories, others make the Roof of the House in
Plat-form, and the last is _Plat-Fond_. To ma