[anemon-devs] The graduate comes the joy of achievement tempe |
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- To: devs@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [anemon-devs] The graduate comes the joy of achievement tempe
- From: Hesselrode Millsaps <linnhe@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 19:26:30 +0200
Ave a good time, but that he had told every one time and again that they
could enjoy themselves much as they wished, except that he did not wish
any whiskey brought to the grounds. This item he emphasized very
strongly. Twenty-three or four years ago, soon after I came here, the
Agent arranged a Fourth of July celebration. He was very particular on
this same point. But this same Indian intended to do differently. He
went off a few days before and procured some whiskey, drank some of it,
and intended to use the rest on the Fourth, and have a jolly time with
his friends. But other Indians informed the Agent about him; he was
arrested and lodged in jail, where he spent the Fourth, and a few days
beside. When I compare his actions then and now, is there not cause for