[anemon-devs] First anemon dhcp client release.

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HI !

I'm happy to announce the anemon dhcp client release 0.1

The anemon dhcp client includes 2 programs : anemon-dhcp-client and anemon-dhcp-client-generator.

This is a simple dhcp client :

    * Depends on python 2.5 and pydhcplib 0.6
    * Can configure IP, router, and DNS
* Simple DISCOVERY=>OFFER=>REQUEST=>ACK/NACK behavior (with loop and delay)
    * No RENEW, RELEASE or INFORM cycle.
    * Linux only
    * Command line options close to udhcp
* No daemon mode, it's a one time dhcp client, need to be rerun manually if configuration is lost

The dhcp client generator is a "mass" dhcp requester that run a number of clients in an defined interval :

* Simple DISCOVERY=>OFFER=>REQUEST=>ACK/NACK behavior (with loop and delay)
    * Choose number of client
    * Choose time gap in which clients will be run
    * Choose timeout for clients.
    * Each client have his own hardware address


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