[anemon-devs] New release this week or next.

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Hi all,

A) I planned to make a new release of the anemon server next days :

- I decided to remove the SqlObject dependencies. SqlObject is the object database driver which permits to be independent of the db backend. SqlObject do not permit to easily use specificities of database and complexifies code writing and reading. SqlObject is replaced by a simple module mecanism. Actually only a mysql module is present, but writing new modules for other database should be easy.

- With the removal of SqlObject, configuration storage and leases storage are now independent. You theorically have a mysql storage for dhcp configuration and a file or a whateveryouwant storage for leases. Well... for now only mysql backend exists.

- Code reduction : I simplify the anemon code to be more easily readable.

- Forget the anemon webcenter, relay, and client. I will work on it later.

B) After the new anemon release, i must spend some time on the pydhcplib to include security add-on needed by the server.

C) After pydhcplib release, I'll be back on anemon. My objective is to release an usable version of anemon for small network before february 2009.


Mathieu Ignacio

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