Re: [anemon-devs] Anemon revision 137

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Dustin Wish with INDCo Networks wrote:
Also. Is there any help I can provide to the group such as updates on the
site or documentation/rpm's for Redhat/CentOS (I am using CentOS 4.1) for
Maybe can you make a review of your installation and configuration of anemon on RedHat/Centos ? Personaly, I'm interrested by standard path for python modules installation on RedHat (i only use debian).

I noticed the site hasn't been updated in a while.
Yes, I make site updated when i release new tarballs but I will be very happy
than someone check documentation for mistake/more precisions.
(I think i will make a new major release within 10 days.)

Your report are very useful to me too. You can continue to report problems with anemon installation : that help me a lot.


Mathieu Ignacio,
* mignacio@xxxxxxxxx
* tamtam@xxxxxxxxxx

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