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Je ne résiste pas à partager avec vous 2 billets issu d'un blog
d'actualités linux :

25 Aout 1991, un jeune finlandais répondant au nom de Linus Torvalds
lançait le noyau Linux

"Hello everybody out there using minix -

I’m doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won’t be big and
professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing
since april, and is starting to get ready. I’d like any feedback on
things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat
(same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons)
among other things).

I’ve currently ported bash(1.08) and gcc(1.40), and things seem to work.
This implies that I’ll get something practical within a few months, and
I’d like to know what features most people would want. Any suggestions
are welcome, but I won’t promise I’ll implement them :-)

Linus (torv…@kruuna.helsinki.fi)

PS. Yes – it’s free of any minix code, and it has a multi-threaded fs.
It is NOT protable (uses 386 task switching etc), and it probably never
will support anything other than AT-harddisks, as that’s all I have :-(."

Merci à lui

lien :

Debian a 21 ans

«En Août 1993 sortait la première version de Debian  (soit un mois après
la sortie de la première Slackware) , lancée par Ian Murdock avec le
soutien de la Free Software Foundation.
Happy Birthay Debian»

Lien : http://leblogdolivyeahh.wordpress.com/2014/08/16/debian-a-21-ans/


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