[taste-users] TASTE Major update

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Dear TASTE users,

Together with the development team I am pleased to announce the release of a major update of TASTE.

I strongly encourage you to use the "Update-TASTE" button (or run Update-TASTE.sh from a terminal) to get the new version..

The main changes are:

1) Update to the new version of our "Space certified" ASN.1 compiler

* Generation of SPARK-Ada code for the encoder and decoder functions
* Automatic generation (in C and Ada) of test cases to validate the ASN.1 encoders and decoders for a given grammar
* Extended support of ACN to define your own (legacy) binary encodings 
* Automatic generation of "Interface control documents"  (ICD) that show in nice HTML tables how the binary layout of the encoded data (in ACN or uPER) looks like:

(run asn1.exe to see the options if you want to use the tool manually)

Note : Due to the SPARK support, a few changes had to be made on the Ada code generation strategy for some datatypes -> this will require a user intervention on your existing code (please contact us to know more about it or to know how to keep the old compiler in place). C and other languages are not impacted.

2) New GUIs with MSC tracing and editor, configurable plots, regression testing

(For those who are already using the new GUIs, keep reading - there are major updates here)

GUIs are generated automatically when you want to "stub" a component. It is a powerful mean to validate parts of the system by interacting with it at runtime.

The new GUIs can record and edit sequence diagrams (MSCs), which in turn can be translated to a Python script that can be executed to verify the proper execution of the system (regression testing). The Python scripts can be edited at will to develop complete testsuites for a given system.

Plots have also been improved - it is possible to change the axis, and save data to csv and/or pictures.

3) Many bugfixes and small improvements here and there 
- Based on your user comments - Thanks for that!

4) Work in progress:

- Support for C++ language 
- Support for SMP2 components

I would like to thank very much all the development team for the efforts spent in the last months on this release.

If you need any help or want to discuss features, needs, want to contribute to the project please leave a message to the list!

Best regards,

ESA - European Space Agency

Maxime Perrotin
TASTE Project manager
PROBA V - PROBA 3 Software engineer

System, Software and Technology Department

Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299
NL-2200 AG Noordiwjk, The Netherlands
maxime.perrotin@xxxxxxx | www.esa.int
+31 (0)71 565 4923 | Fax +31 (0)71 565 5420

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