Re: [taste-users] SIGSEGV in Application

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Le 6 juin 2012 à 13:54, Maxime Perrotin a écrit :

> Dear Gert,
> Could you send me a tarball with the system that provokes this error?
> (Don't put the list in copy if it contains private data)

Also, since your code is related to the Ada runtime, can you please answer the following questions:
* Can you try with a higher stack size? 1MB is low for linux, default is actually 10MB on my systems

[hugues@tetris ~]$ ulimit -a
stack size              (kbytes, -s) 10240

* I assumed you're using the GNAT compiler provided in the VM, for native builds, is it the case?

* Are you using big data ?

* it looks like the context switch is linked to the reception of the message on the receiving task. I assume you see no more activities, right?

Thanks for clarifying these points


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