[SliTaz] Intel Cedarview GMA3600 on SliTaz

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Hi guys,

I have tried several distros just to make sure it's suitable for my
netbook which is powered with Intel Cedarview GMA3600. I've tried
Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Slackware, Porteus, and Archlinux. The major
problem is about the "Direct Renderin"g (acceleration), which is only
applicable when I install Linux Mint 13 (Maya) or Ubuntu 12.04. Other
distros are unable to activate the Direct Rendering, so when I play HD
1080p or 720p media file it's only by software decoding and the video
is a bit laggy.

Is there any SliTaz version which supports Intel Cedarview GMA3600? It
would be very promising if SliTaz can do Direct Rendering on this
netbook. Here are some infos about the netbook:
Proc          = Intel Atom Dual Core CPU D2500
Ram          = 2 GB
Harddrive  = 320GB.



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