Gen Live-CD with tor

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  Here, in Brazil, is going on a wave of protests that began due to the increased cost of public transport and now add to other pressing issues in the country, such as better education and health.
  Today I received the news that people are having their facebook profiles (which is almost exclusively used throughout the country, with many people associating necessarily internet to facebook) blocked, deleted pages, because of the association with these protests. So I would ask if someone could generate a .iso live cd of SliTaz with tor browser already installed. I would like to use this live CD in some steels develop collectively, as part of a series of strategies to avoid reprisals by the government and large corporations. If the download can be done directly from the SliTaz website, would be a beautiful form of community support the Brazilian people.
  I certainly could research and learn how to do it, but currently the organization to the protests and my job is consuming me free time, and I believe this to be an urgent task.

Thank you for your attention,
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